A few pics from the water pump install on Saturday.
Last we left off, the front end was disassembled. The new body mounts have arrived and we can now start the assembly process. During the commercial break Dominic sanded and painted the inner fender and I used the wire brush on the replacement core support to remove surface around the mount points. A quick coat of flat black rustolium and we're good to go.
Sunday March 2nd
12:00pm – Starting point - Battlewagon in drydock.
3:00pm – Core support has been painted around the mount points. Wiring harness routed. Sway bar linkage replaced.
5:00pm – Upper and lower fan shrouds installed. Most of wiring harness plugged in. Left front inner fender test fit.
7:00pm – Left front inner fender installed, accessories attached to new fender, ECM installed.
And that's a wrap for today.
This is what car heads call "cancer" and is one of the primary reasons for this rebuild project. This was the right front inner fender removed after a lot of cutting and cussing because most of the bolts had rusted so badly. Dremel tool with a cut off wheel FTW.
This was the radiator core support…… also had to be cut out.
After removing the core support, we found that the body mounts were pretty much toast. We also spotted a broken sway bar linkage.
At the end of the surgery to remove the cancer, we had this sad looking heap.
But all the bad stuff had been removed and stitching the patient back together is next.